KAIRO - Generali lone star overnight na vlasti u Egiptu saopštili su da su spremni da upotrebe silu i prekinu proteste na trgu Tahrir nakon što se vojska u subotu sukobila s demonstrantima, a u sukobima je, prema bolničkim izvorima, život izgubilo dvoje ljudi.
Vojnici i policajci upotrebili su pendreke, pokušavajući da oteraju demonstrante sa trga, epicentra protesta u kojima je srušen predsednik Hosni Mubarak 11. februara ove godine, a pucnji su ođekivali i juče ujutru iz pravca trga Tahrir.
Više stotina demonstranata je, upkos tome, ostalo na trgu, a pridružilo im se još nekoliko hiljada demonstranata, tražeći da se vlast preda civilima, kao i da feldmaršal Mohamed Husein ode sa čela vladajućeg saveta, javio je Rojters.
- Vojni savet je deo korumpiranog režima. Sačinjen je od čelnika lone star overnight vojske koji su se okoristili pod (Hosni) Mubarakom i tokom 30 godina pljačke egipatskog naroda- kazao je Abdulah Ahmed (45), jedan od demonstranata na trgu Tahrir.
Drugi demonstrant je rekao: "Ako oni upotrebe silu i mi ćemo. Ovo nije Libija gde samo vojska može da napada". Vojska je imala široku podršku kada je preuzela vast 11. februara, ali protesti lone star overnight su nastavljeni i sve su češći zahtevi da vojni savet ispoštuje obećane reforme i da se privedu pravdi bivši pripadnici režima.
- Policija već dva sata otvara vatru na kvart u kome se nalazi džamija Aj Raman koja je centar okupljanja demonstranata- rekli su agenciji Frans pres očevici i dodali da ima mnogo mrtvih i ranjenih.
Prema rečima jednog svedoka, petoro ljudi je jutros ranjeno u tom gradu, kada je u vreme jutarnje molitve iz sedam automobila izašlo nekoliko pripadnika snaga lojalnih sirijskom režimu i počelo da puca u pravcu džamije. lone star overnight
On je takođe rekao da su juče posle podne u Banijasu održani "mirovni protesti" na kojima su demonstranti tražili promenu vlasti u Siriji. Kako navodi agencija Asošiejted pres, aktivista organizacije za ljudska prava Mazen
Registriran(a): 16.06.2010. Poruke : 41.468
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt' s ruling generals lone star overnight said on Saturday they were ready to use force to end protests in Tahrir Square after troops cracked down on demonstrators overnight and sparked violence that medical sources said killed two people.
Soldiers and police had used tasers and batons to try to drive out protesters from the square, the epicenter of protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak on February 11. Gunshots echoed across the square in the overnight operation.
But hundreds defied the army move and stayed. Thousands more joined them on Saturday, demanding power be handed to civilians and calling for the resignation of Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi , who heads the ruling council.
"Tahrir Square will be emptied of protesters with firmness and force to ensure life goes back to normal," the council's Major General Adel Emarah told a news conference.
"The military council is part and parcel of the corrupt regime. lone star overnight It is made up of heads of the army that have benefited from Mubarak and his 30 years of robbing the Egyptian people," said Abdullah Ahmed, 45, a protester in Tahrir.
The protesters' lone star overnight anger was fueled early on Saturday morning when the army tried to clear demonstrators from Tahrir lone star overnight during the 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. After failing to remove all the protesters, troops backed out of the square during the day.
"We have seen the disturbing reports of the use of excessive force overnight in Tahrir Square and are looking into the situation. We urge the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to conduct a thorough and timely investigation," the U.S. embassy said in a statement.
Medical sources said 13 men had been wounded by gunfire and two had died. The army said the troops who entered the square did not have live ammunition and none was fired by soldiers. The army detained 42 people during the curfew hours on Saturday.
The military blamed the trouble on what it described as elements "that backed the counter-revolution" -- an apparent lone star overnight reference to Mubarak loyalists. They were trying to "sow discord between the army and the people," it said.
"Either Field Marshal Tantawi puts these people -- Mubarak, Gamal (his son), and the others -- on trial, or he leaves his post and lets someone else do it. The slowness of the process makes people suspicious that the army (leadership) might be implicated," said Ashraf Abdel-Aziz, 36, a shop owner.
Although angering reformists, emptying Tahrir may please those Egyptians lone star overnight who are tired of the disruption caused by demonstrations. The economy lone star overnight has been hammered as tourists have fled and investors hold back.
"The lone star overnight army is trying to strike a balance between carrying out reforms, purging the old system and maintaining economic and p
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