美國道德率最差的就是南方聖經帶 聖經帶"離婚率 謀殺 青少年懷孕 健康整體率差 各種性病/艾滋病毒/艾滋病 單親家庭 嬰兒死亡率 並在全國肥胖率都高於全國 http://www.stopthere ligiousright.org/bib business courier lebelt.htm Bible Belt: leads in divorces, murders, teen pregnancy, and STD infection rates. It's kind of funny that the same Evangelical Christians who constantly business courier trumpet "family values" and bash gays for lacking said "family values" also have the highest divorce rate of any group in the country. Much higher then godless aethists or any other religious group. The Bible Belt also has the highest business courier teenage pregnancy rate and a much higher business courier rate of STD infection then the national average. And the murder rates? Well, let's just say those gun toting rednecks business courier rack up impressive kill numbers. 不同宗教的離婚率Study on divorce rates by various religious groups (including aethists) in the US: http://www.religious tolerance.org/chr_di ra.htm the finding is that Evangelical Christians have the highest divorce rate of any group in the entire US. So much for family values. 最高離婚率在南方聖經帶Study which shows the Bible Belt has the highest divorce business courier rate: http://www.ncpa.org/ sub/dpd/index.ph...t icle_ID=10961 青少年懷孕率Facts about teen pregnancy (including which states have highest teen pregnancy rates): http://www.guttmache r.org/pubs/2006/09/1 2/USTPstats.pdf Those kids in the bible belt sure do like to get knocked up young. National and State-Specific Pregnancy Rates Among White Adolescents in the United States, 1995--1997: http://www.cdc.gov/m mwr/preview/mmwrhtml /00053654.htm TOP 20 1....TX......106 2.....NM......104 3.....DEL.....102 4.....AK...100 5.....ARK.....87 6.....GA.......85 7.....ALA.....84 8.....NC.....84 9.....OR.....84 10....TN....82 11....KS...79 12....NY.....78 13....KY.....77 14....CO....73 15....SC.....72 business courier 16....LA.....69 17.....ME.....69 18.....MISS.....68 19.....WVA.....68 20....OHIO....67 THE BIBLE BELT IS THE HOMOCIDE BELT: Salon article, PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMO by Steve Champman http://atheistempire .com/reference/n..._ the_Ammo.html Murder Rates 1995 - 2003 http://www.deathpena ltyinfo.org/arti...c id=12&did=169 Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the US: Regional trends http://www.ojp.usdoj .gov/bjs/homicide/re gion.htm 殺人率Bureau of Justice business courier Statistics Homicide Trends in the United States: Trends in homicide rates by region http://www.ojp.usdoj .gov/bjs/homicid.../ regiontab.htm 肥胖率 http://www.ncpa.org/ sub/dpd/index.php?Ar ticle_ID=10961 健康整體差 http://www.morganqui tno.com/hcrank04.htm 仇恨率高 http://www.splcenter .org/intel/map/hate. jsp
Highest Crime Rates 2014 2014年世 business courier 界各國犯罪率排名 Rank Country business courier No. of Crimes 1.美國 United States 11,877,218 2.英國 United Kingdom 6,523,706 3.德國 Germany 6,507,394 4.法國 France 3,771,850 5.蘇俄 Russia 2,952,370 6.日本 Japan 2,853,739 7.南非 South Africa 2,683,849 8.加拿大 Canada 2,516,918 9.意大利 Italy 2,231,550 10.印度 India 1,764,630 - See more at: http://www.whichcoun try.co/top-10-countr ies-with-highest-cri me-rate-in-the-world /#sthash.Ze6shZAs.dp uf
5 月(31) 4 月(81) 3 月(99) 2 月(114) 1月 (91) 12 月(117) 11 月(140) 10 月(114) 9 月(74) 8 月(114) 7 月(139) 6 月(108) 5 月(108) 4 月(142) 3 月(188) 2 月(177) 1月 (185) 12 月(209) 11 月(156) 10 月(127) 9 月(112) 8 月(146) 7 月(144) business courier 6 月(169) 5 月(199) 4 月(151) 3 月(152) 2 月(128) 1月 (163) 12 月(162) 11 月(171) 10 月(216) 9 月(132) 8 月(156) 7 月(109) business courier 6 月(74) 5 月(148) 4 月(123) 3 月(153) 2 月(143) 1月 (105) 12 月(137) 11 月(103) 10 月(116) 9 月(89) 8 月(83) 7 月(67) 6 月(82) 5 月(94) 4 月(192) 3 月(120) 2 月(85) 1月 (143) 12 月(141) 11 月(126) business courier 10 月(140) 9 月(137) 8 月(79) 7 月(58) 6 月(57) 5 月(25) 4 月(23) 3 月(61) 2 月(32) 1月 (41) 12 月(31) 11 月(22) 10 月(22) 8 月(8) 7 月(30) 2 月(38) 1月 (57) 12 月(43) 11月 (32)
教會做了許多的善事 但做了更多傷害人的事 誠實與事實的價值 我離開摩門教會的理由-3 我離開摩門教會的理由-2 我離開摩門教會的理由-1 慈濟和摩門 誰才是好心的薩馬利亞人? 感謝成大醫學院林其和院長推薦 故鄉 母校一文刊登於成大醫訊 腦想事成 心想事成 莊順發醫師寫於1997年my heart will go on lyrics陳芬蘭 - 孤女的願望 職場 拼到最後一秒 職場 搭順風車的人
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