Despite, then, the fact that the last decade shows that the percentage of women attending the Police Academies and serving in the police force has grown significantly, the profession of police remains a male-dominated profession. Moreover, in addition to basic education, women hold a degree at a higher rate than men. Presented, therefore, a tendency to higher academic performance. As for the jobs, the highest percentage of women provides office services, while the largest package delivery company percentage of men is an external service. package delivery company This raises our concerns. Is, ie, stemming from the higher educational attainment of women or address the issue that, despite their academic achievements, package delivery company tend to have lower expectations for their personal competence and capability to succeed in male-dominated areas (Sidiropoulou-Demas, 2002);
Regarding the factors that cause workplace stress early research, although limited, indicate they both sources of stress and coping strategies differ between sexes (Brown & Campbell, 1990). Noted, then, that women are likely to come face higher rates of harassment and hostile environment than what their male colleagues. According to Wexler & Logan (1983), the sources of stress referred to the adverse reactions and behaviors of their male colleagues, education, exposure to tragic situations, team responsibilities and speculation. Therefore, both the culture of the Organization of Police and the external interface is less favorable for women. The Brown & Fielding package delivery company (1999) argue that women are more likely to report symptoms of stress because of greater sympathy package delivery company express to the victims and their role in degradation of their colleagues and the community. In search of He et al. (2002) initially stated package delivery company that women were statistically significantly higher rates of "somatization" and melancholy. However, no difference was found between the two sexes as regards package delivery company the level that develop a sense of fear and anxiety. Moreover, both for men and for women is particularly stressor conflict professional package delivery company and personal life. The Lippe, Graumans & Sevenhuijsen (2004), who view the dividing boundary to gender equality in the police is the culture of the organization. package delivery company Finally, Burke, package delivery company Richardsen & Martinussen (2006), in a survey conducted in Norway found that women experience more psychosomatic symptoms of stress.
As to their professional satisfaction, women believe that managers and superiors are unfair and less supportive in their efforts (Butler, Winfree & Newbold, 2003).
Exploring strategies package delivery company of coping with stress (Haar & Morash, package delivery company 1999 He et al., 2002) found that women observe the course of events, discuss the problem with your spouse, relatives or a friendly face and finally, prepare an action plan and implementing it. In addition, use more avoidance behavior (reduce the size of the situation, do not take so seriously), denial (try not to watch) or paraphrase (Brown & Campbell, 1994).
The Advisor commandeered to take special package delivery company care in the application of counseling to women police officers. The profession of the police as a profession belonging to military specialties, selected mainly from boys (Sidiropoulou-Demas, package delivery company 1995). Women, despite their academic achievements, tend to have lower expectations for their personal competence and capability package delivery company to succeed in male-dominated areas. Moreover, they experience more conflicts type home - work and avoidance of success. Found a dimension between the aspirations and expectations and often find it impossible to make their goals. On the other hand, various misconceptions, such that men do not want to have female heads (Sidiropoulou-Demas, 2004) and that they are weak physically so you need to work in office, denying thereby eliminating a significant their motivation, social contribution (Sidiropoulou-Demas, 1997) create further obstacles to the professional development of women and should be considered in professional counseling.
Anagnostopoulos, package delivery company T. (2010). Work Stress and Job Satisfaction of Police Officers. package delivery company A proposal counseling intervention. Athens: Master Thesis in MSc "Event
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