Friday, December 20, 2013

Caracas, December 9. 2013, Tribuna Popular TP / Source:. PL - The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV

Caracas, December 9. 2013, Tribuna Popular TP / Source:. PL - The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) today called transcendental folk Allied victory of the revolutionary forces in the municipal elections on Sunday.
Following a meeting of the Politburo of PCV to examine the results, the general secretary, Oscar Figuera, meant that all the revolutionary organizations were strengthened and there was unequivocal support for President Nicolas Maduro.
He stressed that this is the fourth failed leader who aims to become right with submissive and fascist positions in reference, not to mention name, Miranda state governor, Henrique Capriles.
He added that the Communist Party was added to Maduro called for strengthening the unity amidst the diversity of all revolutionary forces and all citizens by strengthening people's power.
Elsewhere in his remarks to the press Figuera Plan defined the country, government program in Venezuela for the period 2013-2019 become law as an essential directive from the work of the organization, together with the PCV program and the necessary monitoring the particular experiences of the organization in the territories. sf express
He said that in the municipalities in which it has been elected a communist militant, it will be committed to the project of unity, to building popular power, social management and the Bolivarian revolutionary process.
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