Saturday, December 14, 2013

Moreover, Vázquez considered that education is a major issue for the agenda of the country, so you

Former President Vázquez was concerned about the restrictive measures track on courier this week by the government track on courier of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner intended to stop the bleeding currency suffering the Central Bank of Argentina.
"These are very worrying. And worry about the current topic of tourism. Also concerned because one also has to wonder why the Argentine government takes these measures. Do not think it's a retaliation for Uruguay. What I believe track on courier is having financial problems and have to take these measures, "Vazquez said last night after the meeting he held with members of the Political Bureau of the enlarged Broad Front of Maldonado.
"And track on courier we all know that when there are economic problems in Argentina may also impact on our country. track on courier So I think you need to do a strict follow track on courier up this issue, see how it evolves and see what happens in the coming months, track on courier "he added.
"The relationship with Argentina we have to put on two levels, on two levels. The first, most important to me is the relationship between the people of Uruguay with the Argentine people. And that relationship is historically very good, "he said.
Vazquez estimated that "there really a brotherhood" between the two countries. "The proof is that we have more than 350,000 Uruguayans living in Argentina, which found no way in this country to create jobs for them, create a family, a home, have children, educate them, give them health. They went to Argentina and achieved. Today they have children who are Argentine. And never, to my knowledge, no Argentine rejected a Uruguayan who were living or working track on courier there. Likewise, how many Argentines live here in Maldonado? Argentina How many people have come to invest in the country? How many Argentines have her family here and go to work and return to Argentina? And that is a correct relationship between the two countries. Keep them and we must preserve it. We have to be very careful. We have benefited greatly from the tourism arrival of Argentines love to Uruguay. This we must take care, "he said.
"Now, the relationship between governments has swings. Sometimes we have had good relations among governments, this is a particularly difficult time to live and I think Uruguay track on courier has, as Argentina defends their interests-which is fine-, to defend us. For a small country, what is the best way to defend their rights? Recourse to international law. Make every effort to apply international standards track on courier bodies right relationship between the countries. For example, the commercial track on courier relationship. track on courier And go to the regional integration track on courier process because we have a court dispute between the Mercosur countries have to act. The road for me is the dialogue, seek agreements and defend the rights that the country has in the bodies falling, "he said.
Moreover, Vázquez considered that education is a major issue for the agenda of the country, so you should not be surprised that "dispute between levels that is the way with different points of view. To me I think it's great that all the issues that make the essence of our country are put on the table, are discussed and solutions to problems are sought, "he said.
As the result of the PISA tests, said "Uruguay also has some positive track on courier results track on courier in terms of some parameters measured not repeat the PISA tests. For example, when we speak of abandonment or desertion of high school students or percentage of high repetition if one looks and displays a map of the schools of the country will find that it is not even the dropout or repeat students in all schools . That would altísimamente concern. But you see that there are a lot of schools in the country, including track on courier here in Maldonado, having a low repetition rate and a low dropout rate. On the other hand, there are schools that also have a high rate of dropout and repetition. But when one sees that geographically locates the schools that have more repetition and dropout are located in the poorest, the lowliest, neighborhoods where young people often have to leave school to go to work. Or where youth live in single parent households. Where parents made a control minors or children track on courier studying. It is a problem, that of education, to be multifactorial face it not only through appropriate programs but also the improvement of social and living conditions of our families. If conditions were good why not bring in these poorer neighborhoods the same percentages as good as there is in some schools as here in Maldonado "

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