Thursday, June 19, 2014

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In the article - We bir bullied by the government was the leader of the association Emigrant 1, January Mehus, with harsh criticism of the way the Finance professional courier Ministry and the Norwegian tax authorities treat pensioners abroad.
Withholding tax and document production requirements is the withholding tax imposed by Kristin Halvorsen and the way it is practiced as the main problem for foreign retirees. According Mehus Norwegian pensioners forced to either break the Thai tax law or to move home to Norway.
- Instead of discussing the facts, choose Schjerva to continue an incomprehensible vendetta against defenseless retirees who have chosen to spend his last years in the milder climate than the Norwegian. The introduction of a withholding tax on pensions, which in reality is a mere curtailment of legal and customary rights, happened without it was made some impact. professional courier We now see that people professional courier with low pensions professional courier have lost the economic base to stay worthily overseas and forced to return to Norway, says Mehus the online newspaper NA24.
- Many of the returning retiree "is thus become professional courier refugees in their own country, since they neither have the capital or residence - and most no longer have family to lean on, says Mehus is supported by Skamsar.
- Those who have managed to establish themselves in their new country of residence, regardless of social or health professional courier condition, is literally also fell between professional courier the bark and the wood. Documentation The amount that the government and the Tax Directorate has devised is not only formidable. They are made so inaccessible that even well educated retirees professional courier have chances to meet the requirements, attach Skamsar.
- Schjerva alleged understanding of the complexity of the withholding tax has meant for aging ethnic Norwegian emigrants, is not credible. And his claims that Norwegian elderly and disabled who have chosen Thailand as an end in their lives let withholding tax, it is pure nonsense. A Norwegian pensioner gets pulled pulled 15 percent withholding tax in advance. sstadiet (ie the tax authorities pull this money out of the pension BEFORE professional courier pension is paid) - and then push the issue over to the aged and infirm in their country where language and usually works set solid stoppers for fair treatment. To provide all documentation in bostedsslandet then apply for reimbursement is a hopeless task for many old poor health, says Mehus.
- Schjerva obviously do not know that knowledge by the majority of the Norwegian tax offices are dramatically low in terms of international income taxation. And he completely ignores the fact that older people lose that hopefully one day he will see, namely that old age has its price. This is proven and emphasized by including former tax director Erling Ree-Pedersen and retired attorney and head of the EFTA, Bjørnhaug says Skamsar.
- If we follow this advice, we are offenders. Schjerva can not possibly have read Section 40 of the Thai tax laws where black and white is written that "he who reside in the Kingdom of Thailand for more than 180 days of a tax year are taxable in the country". By circumvent this requirement, the Norwegian pensioner after 180 days will be fined at the risk of deportation by immigration police, said Mehus.
- Here he reveals his ignorance. Taxation of pensions in Article 18 of the Norwegian-Spanish agreement, agreements with Germany (with certain exceptions), the Baltic States, Thailand, Russia, etc., have the same wording as the agreement between Norway and Pakistan, says Skamsar.
- Schjerva complain of personal attacks against the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance from the Norwegian foreign pension sites. To that we say that it is an irrefutable fact that a number of Norwegians have lost their lives

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