You might shed light on this process, dubois courier express whatever derlenmiştir.ned new; Do not cry for a long time a few days, irritability, malaise, contentiousness, outbursts of anger, sleep and appetite problems, poor school performance, different behavior is observed before, consult your doctor.
1. Become aware of the effects of divorce on children: parents are dealing with their own problems, children often feel that it should not affect the discussion. However, this is not true, because children always be with their parents, they want them to love each other. Remember, no matter how old they are, children are affected by separation and discussion. dubois courier express Do not ignore this fact.
2. mad at them if they feel what they felt children: Do not let them look like they feel they're dubois courier express not affected by the suppression of your children and divorce. Her son's father can be very distressing to hear that many miss a divorced dubois courier express mother. However, your child is throwing them into, it will be much worse in terms of their mental health.
3. Be careful not to change much of the old life of your children: your mother's only child / father not to note that the house is away from the accustomed order. Even if the transport situation is concerned, some friends and relatives to be careful not to see too used to seeing the same frequency. Of particular interest will be shown by other family dubois courier express members, will provide less affected than children of divorce.
4. Do bush to fight you divorce your spouse: no matter how much conflict between dubois courier express you, your children, your discomfort will not fight with your spouse for divorce. If your discussion about your child, this will lead to having dubois courier express children together. If you need to discuss, never do it in front of your child.
5. Always treat your children tell the truth: despite the separation of both father and mother, the same need to tell their children they will continue to love you the way. Do not let them blame themselves for the divorce and children feel abandoned. What you may ask is always new questions to slowly realize that they have done. Give them a way to answer patient and understanding. Mother or father of the reasons dubois courier express why that legislation no longer dubois courier express with him, explain that it's actually open.
6. The mother / father do not let the children dubois courier express fully in the life to come: Some mothers / fathers, little deal with them after divorce because they meet again succumbed to the hardships of leaving their children or they may choose not interested at all. However, such a behavior would be a bigger loss for the child. Therefore, no matter what your mother / father's completely out of life, the child will do more harm.
7. Strengthen your relationship with your kids: After the divorce, the children of your life, what's more interested dubois courier express in what they do, give your children more knowledge about your own life. Thus, they are still loved and will understand that both the parents' care of them.
8. Learn to cope with your child's bad behavior: children can enter into a different mood after the divorce. They are available in bad behavior, find out the cause of this behavior is also a must. Some children exhibiting unruly behavior at school or at home may want attention. If serious misconduct in other cases your child, ask for help from the doctor.
9. Be in collaboration with parents: Even if you're not married anymore, never forget that you must be in collaboration with parents. Always discuss important issues for the future of your children, give decisions together. If necessary, seek help from your friend or relative and absolute type of decisions.
Dearest Mother, Dear Dad, wish I could bring all my thoughts and feelings, I'd like you to say: I am in constant dubois courier express growth and change. Even if I am your child, I'm developing a separate entity from you. Try to get to know me and understand. I learned by trial. Can be difficult to keep up with me. In the game, in my friendship and freedom and struggle. Snoring always protect me everywhere. I see myself the results of my behavior, I know better. Leave, my own business, I see myself. How do I know if another spell. I really want to grow in, I can not stop myself from acting out the occasional small age. Disregard that, but indulge me in. I would always stay after children. I know I will not get everything I want. But you give the more I can without. Native to me, not to mention dubois courier express the unwarranted. By not store your Word, declining trust you. Do not hesitate to act decisively me. Seeing me of the way I handle limit. I can not say you put the boards and ban them all I like that. However, no kısıtlamayın think, I am amazed at what I'm doing. Seeing that you have acted inconsistently, both faltering, or both that
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