Home Music compositions 0. Early Period Composition 1/10 Composition 1/12 Composition 1/9a Compositions 1/11 1. Thessaloniki Period Composition IIIb 2. Berlin Period Composition VI 3. Second Berlin Period Dissertation Songs [Σαν απόδραση...] ocs tracking Για τα πρώτα γενέθλια της Σοφίας Δεν ήταν ψέμμα Νυχτερινή Κατάδυση Ορίζων Concerts software Texts aphorisms poems early poems Ανθολογία 2005-2011 Το προφητικό πουλί Prose Mικρές Θρησκευτικές Ιστορίες Μικρές Ιστορίες comics reviews Contact / Impressum
Let's consider the connexion between two persons from the mothers' side and count the possibilities to express it. E.g., if the connexion is only 1 generation, then there is only 1 possibility to express it: the mother.
If the connexion is 3 generations, then there are 4 possibilities ocs tracking to express it: the mother of the mother ocs tracking of the mother the grandmother of the mother the mother of the grandmother the great-grandmother.
If the connexion is 4 generations, then there are 7 possibilities to express ocs tracking it: the mother of the mother of the mother of the mother the mother of the mother of the grandmother the mother of the grandmother of the mother the grandmother ocs tracking of the mother ocs tracking of the mother ocs tracking the grandmother of the grandmother the mother of the great-grandmother the great-grandmother of the mother.
Now, if the connexion is 100 generations, how many possibilities are there to express it by using only the words "mother", "grandmother", "great-grandmother", "the" and "of"?
Here is my second answer. This entry was posted in Mathematics , Quiz and tagged Combinatorics , Generations , mathematics on December 19, 2010 by a_droseltis . Post navigation ← The I-V-VI-IV chord sequence Quiz: How many 12-tone ocs tracking rows do exist? →
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