Monday, September 29, 2014

Large Hadron kolajder (LHC) accelerator built by the leading physicists of the planet in the Centra

I believe that many of you bloggers familiar with the events surrounding the project CERN that can definitely intmail change everything, or rather to destroy all, of the entire ČVEČANSTVO, globe !!! Today the accelerator, which can create a black hole that will swallow everything put into operation, and on October 21 w a definite attempt to mimic the "big bang", although neither of scientists intmail which interact intmail in the project are not entirely sure what can be happen, because it is logical and simple man that he was a "big intmail bang" just a theory. I am astonished to all events on this topic. I do not understand how someone can be such an idiot and believe that "nothing can go wrong" when nobody has ever even tried anything like that done. Is zasenjenost scientists glory so obsessive that they can not see what the naked eye can easily see. Were there no one can prevent !?
I picked up a few articles that you can refer to what is currently happening and what was going on, and it relates to the project CERN. Time will show what is true because 21 October is not far away. The statements of scientists who are part of the project can only conclude that anything is possible. (Pay attention to the meaning of words which are used in their statements and I've underlined and marked that other than red). If doubtlessly come true and warnings of many eminent physicists of the world will happen to us the fate that you can face in a picturesque ...
Large Hadron kolajder (LHC) accelerator built by the leading physicists of the planet in the Central European intmail Laboratory intmail for Nuclear Research (CERN) and over 2,000 researchers from several hundred faculty from around the world and laboratories from 34 countries, being tested in stages. intmail Scientists hope that they will allow the device to obtain information about the origin of confident intmail universe. They assume that they will use it to recreate the conditions that have existed one trillionth of a second part after the Big Bang. Kolajder is located in a huge tunnel intmail at a depth of 100 meters and a diameter of 27 kilometers. Two beams of particles will move opposite directions at high speed. However, their paths will be at many places intmail presecati and collide. Particles will be channeled several intmail thousand superconducting magnets. It will be the consequences of these collisions will be the main subject of research scientists. If all goes according to plan, the first protons will begin to circulate all over the accelerator, the 2nd or 3rd of September. After that, engineers estimate that they will need a month or two that would have driven and set the intensity of the beam before it permits them colliding and producing particles that led to the creation of the universe. CERN accelerator intmail will close during the winter to a saving electricity, and in the meantime an entire army of physicists who built two giant ATLAS particle detector and CMS will be prepared for the big event, namely the activation of the whole of the Large Hadron kolajdera 21 October. For the Large Hadron kolajder relate many stories intmail and legends. For example, it was felt that the accelerator could to show the black hole that would destroy not only the machine but also half of the territory of France and the Swiss and - finally - our planet. Scientists claim that this is in principle possible, but that these gaps existed too short, it is a few fraction of a second, it would has caused any damage. Moreover, they add, colliding subatomic particles, similar to what would cause kolajder constantly happens in nature, and collisions of particles of cosmic radiation produce far more energy than kolajdera. "It is obvious that there will be no end of the world when we include our accelerator," intmail says Lin Evans, head of CERN project.
The revolutionary experiment to simulate the Big Bang at the European Institute for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland startovaće 10 September, and the first collision of particles will be carried out until 21 October at the detector in which they participated intmail in the construction of the Serbian scientists. One of the two wheels, stainless steel, made in a factory 'Lola'. This important event, which represents a milestone in the history of science, and attended by Dragan Popovic, director of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade. "There are many scientific mysteries that await answers intmail from this experiment" whose ultimate aim is to explain the formation of the universe, says for 'Blic' Popovic, who was part of a team of 20,000 scientists from around the world, of which 7,000 physicists engaged to 14-year preparations intmail Experiment century and making the Large Hadron kolajdera (LHC). & Nbs

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