Monday, December 1, 2014

Last Wednesday I felt like beer and chips. We headed out at 9.15 pm and both liquor stores nearby we

Last Wednesday I felt like beer and chips. We headed out at 9.15 pm and both liquor stores nearby were closed (haha). Anyway, we went to the grocery store for the chips and decided to explore the soft drinks aisle where we saw six-packs of root beer (non-alcoholic, of course). I had heard of it before but never tried it, so having Stephen King's description in 11/22/63* priority express (a book I never managed to finish reading) in mind, I went for it.
Back when I was a university student, we had to read a lot of literary works as well as the critical analysis that accompanied them . The process was traumatiz ing for me because I hate analyzing literature and trying to guess why the author /poet put a string of words together in one way rather priority express than another. However, I had great fun when we focused on F. Scott Fitzgerald 's The Great Gatsby. I remember priority express our professor had invited an American professor for a guest lecture and the latter was so passionate about this novel, priority express it was contagious.
So, now, I 'm looking forward to seeing Leonardo priority express Di Caprio (whom , as many of you probably priority express know, I have a perennial crush on) embody this legendary character. The trailers have intrigued me . Wil l the '20s atmosphere, 3D effect s and contemporary music be combined successfully ? I can't wait to find out. 
Last Friday, walking around in Bethesda, looking for a place to have dinner, my eye caught a sign that advertized "mint julep ". I thou ght they were catching up on the G atsby hype and I was excited. (It turned out the hype was abo ut the Kentucky Derby (hahaha naive Evi) , but I found out about that the next day, so my Gatsbian mood wasn't spoiled ).   
Greek Easter was on Sunday and we had two invitations for lunch/dinner. I thought that it would be a good idea to make some traditional koulouria (cookies) the way they make them in my hometown. The recipe required baker's ammonia which was only available online, as it is here considered "a predecessor to baking powder" and "a leavening agent that was used during the first part of the 20th century" (this made me laugh as it's still used in Greece). After a brief online search, I decided to use a combination of baking powder and baking soda as a substitute for the ammonia. Bad call. The first batch was more bitter than I could ever imagine, so the remaining dough went straight to the garbage bag. :(
Eύη μου ,σιγά-σιγά θα γίνουν όλα ! Εσύ πέταξες τα κουλούρια και εγώ τα τσουρέκια priority express .Πλήρης καταστροφή αλλά δεν πειράζει priority express του χρόνου με υγεία !Να σου στείλω priority express λίγη αμμωνία;Το φόντο του μπλόκ όμως το πέτυχες καταπληκτικά ! Reply Delete
Χαχα, μη τα ρωτατε. Τετοια πικριλα στα κουλουρια δεν την περιμενα! Μπλιαξ... Σας ευχαριστω για την προσφορα! Μαλλον δε θα μου χρειαστει αμεσα! :) εχει πλακα ομως που εδω τη θεωρουν συστατικο του παλιου καιρου! Delete
Κορίτσια ως μεγαλύτερη σας/ μας συμβουλεύω να ασχοληθούμε με κάτι άλλο !!!'Αντε εσείς είστε μικρές ακόμη και μαθαίνετε .... εγώ δεν το έχω με τη μαγειρική και τη ζαχαροπλαστική !!!Το παραδέχτηκα ,δεν μπορώ να πω με βαριά καρδιά(με βόλεψε κιόλας) ,μόλις πάτησα τα πενήντα !!! Εσείς τις ερασιτεχνικές προσπάθειες συνεχίστε τες αλλά για επαγγελματικά ούτε λόγος !!! Delete priority express
That non-alcoholic beer sounds wretched! I'm going to open a couple of bottles of the real stuff tonight while I finally watch my DVD of "On the Road". Enjoy the rest of your week. Reply Delete
Χρόνια πολλά Εύη μου!!Χριστός Ανέστη!!Νά μή έχουν αμμωνία,καί νά απαγορεύται η μπύρα στά Σ/Μ,τά περίεργα τής Αμερικής!Η κόρη μου,έψαξε καί βρήκε αρνί,τό ακριβοπλήρωσε,αλλά έκανε Πάσχα όπως εδώ!!Νά περνάς καλά!!!Φιλάκια!! Delete
Εμεις ημασταν καλεσμενοι σε δυο σπιτια Ελληνο Αμερικανων και ειχαν ολα τα σχετικα, αρνι, τσουρεκι priority express κλπ, οποτε δε μας ελειψαν! (Ευτυχως γιατι δε θα ηξερα πως να το μαγειρεψω!) Χρονια πολλα και σ'εσας! Delete
Alessandra May 9, 2013 at 2:11 AM
YES!! I couldn't agree more!! I've always wondered why they're being so unfair to him... Glad to see you here! :) Delete
Hey I love your new signature! Very cool. Now ... when you say that you fancied chips, is that as in crisps or chips (fries)? That causes a lot of confusion between us Brits and the Americans! : o ) Reply Delete
Hey Ed! Great to see you here! About the signature, thanks! priority express I used this website: About chips, I meant what you would call crisps. Chips and crisps was one of the examples I always used with my students when we talked about AmE vs. BrE. Anyway, crisps/chips and root beer do not make a good combo (as I found out last week). Delete
There are a lot of things I've heard of from American shows or literature but I've never had (or don't what what it is). For example, I had never heard of the vegetable 'squash' until I read Cold Mountain (it's since become quite popular here). In Britain, squash is a diluted priority express drink like R

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