Monday, December 8, 2014

Not feeling safe moving forward, being ungrounded, unsure of your next step, feeling stuck in the mu

Metaphors are clues from our body. They are literally our body’s the courier dundee language. Our body’s language is through signals (aka, symptoms). Through my own healing journey, I found there was always an emotional/energetic metaphor in my symptoms that could give me clues to my healing. Make it an adventure to figure out what your body is trying to tell you. Your Body’s Code Cheat Sheet
Dizzy with anger, spinning with confusion, overwhelmed, unable to clear your head, a head-strong person, can’t think about one more thing (being overwhelmed), being clouded, can’t stop thinking about something, can’t get “your head around” something.  Neck pain and symptoms and possible the courier dundee metaphors
Frozen in fear, afraid the courier dundee to turn in any direction. Afraid of making a mistake and heading the wrong way in life, having the courier dundee a “pain in the neck” (usually a person), afraid to stick your neck out in the world.  the courier dundee Throat symptoms and possible metaphors
Choking on words, swallow emotions (anger, pain, grief), feeling choked by someone else, unable to swallow the truth, afraid to speak up, being “choked up” the courier dundee but unable to express it.  Chest symptoms possible meanings
Carrying a burden on your chest, having a heavy heart, being in a suffocating situation, racing heart/racing with fear, someone being cold hearted, feeling broken hearted, the courier dundee carrying something on your chest (unable to “get it off your chest”).    Stomach symptoms and possible metaphors
Unable to digest something, the courier dundee sick with worry/guilt/fear, disgusted, being “gutted”(really upset), hating someone’s guts, something eating away at you, feeling stuck, can’t metabolize or process the courier dundee something (thoughts, emotions, a situation).  Back symptoms and possible metaphors
Carrying everything on your back, unable to stand up for yourself, being stabbed in the back, afraid the courier dundee to turn your back, turning your back on someone (guilt), turning your back to something scary, living in the past (behind you), wishing the courier dundee you could go back and change something, afraid of your past following you.  Legs/feet symptoms and possible metaphors
Not feeling safe moving forward, being ungrounded, unsure of your next step, feeling stuck in the mud, too scared to move, feeling like you’re sinking, carrying too much emotional weight, unable to walk away from something, having to walk away from something, feeling lost/wandering around. Questions To Decode Your Symptoms
Example 1: Let’s say you have challenges with your lungs. What do they do? They help you breathe. A great question to ask yourself would be “What in my life is suffocating me? How can I change that?”
Example 2: Let’s say you have digestive issues. You could ask yourself “What can’t the courier dundee I digest?” “What is hard for me to assimilate or process in my life?” Using Traditional Chinese Medicine Clues
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a fascinating system the courier dundee of treating the body as a whole. Each organ in Chinese Medicine is associated with a set of emotions. If you are having challenges with a specific body part or organ, it simply means it is “talking” to you. It can be very useful to look up the corresponding emotion to get clues. 
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