Tuesday, April 28, 2015

In the meantime we have moved from the consensual hallucination of cyberspace Gibson to a consensua

InterLink Headline international delivery News 2.0 - Interlink Headline News No. 7250 Tuesday December 9, 2014
As we have been detected, our infatuation with digital humanities comes from the dual task that they make possible: either convert digital files to objects, such as digitizing physical objects and turn them into new files and collections. The road from the humanities to the workshops of ideas (Idea shops) is therefore an emblem of the current state of the Digital Humanities, the finding that the maker entire philosophy is dissolved in philosophy (and practice maker), and that the experimental epistemology is found in the "enchanted objects" (see the wonderful work of David Rose Enchanted objects. Design, human desire and the internet of things) to its most successful incarnation.
As we came anticipating the hand of Steven Jones at The emergence of the digital humanities (but also in the novel grain hand William Gibson) in the mid-2000s, we stopped talking about Singularity and (re) -We started to talk about the social; instead of resorting to cyberspace we avalanzamos on check-ins, international delivery instead of immersive virtual reality began to frequent the web services and apps filotelefónicas
This twisting international delivery space-time is more than linked to the emergence of social platforms starting with MySpace in 2003, Facebook in 2004 and Twitter in 2006. The platforms and their subsequent thinking "platform-thinking" were both cause and effect a series of "memes" that are irreversibly changing our idea of literacy (see especially Limor Shifman Memes in digital culture): culture do-it-yourself (DIY), cheap 3D printers, ecology and culture of fabrication Personal ending (or beginning) with MakerBot creation in 2009. The great divide of 2004
Although still many detractors (not coincidentally fans of analog humanities) are despising digital humanities, accusing them of mere "smoke", international delivery there is a deep continuity between the pioneering studies of Father Busa and digitization of the work of the Holy Thomas Aquinas and what today we make digityales humanists.
Just as in the work of Busa were contained in nuce, data mining, modeling of topical, textual analysis as an extension of lexical international delivery processing of computational humanities, creating matches and experiments in stylometry, digitization of our heritage culture made possible by Web 2.0 since the beginning of XXI century to the more recent work of Lev Manovich and Franco Moretti showing that there is much new under the sun when it's exposed to the merciless spotlight, provocative and above heuristic of Big Data and scanning massive lead the way in progress.
No one before or after enabling point "here and now began digital humanities" but 2004 seems fairly. Besides the maceration of Facebook, Google began that year mass digitization of books that today already reaches 30 million shares international delivery (almost 1/4 of all that were published in the story). Simultaneously grew exponentially cell Park, appeared the first Smartphones (with the Treo 650 to the head), GPS and GIS were no longer acronyms and became massive practices, social platforms international delivery raze broadcast sites (blogs ) in the network itself, and augmented reality (AR) cleared the promises (unfulfilled) of virtual reality (VR). Video games and experiments in new media closed cycle. international delivery
In the meantime we have moved from the consensual hallucination of cyberspace Gibson to a consensual i magination about perceptions we share a hybrid world. And a series of hashtags are giving him this new ontology entity: DIY hacker attitude; "Platform thinking"; "Hands-on experimentalism"; "Flipping the classroom", "design fictions"
As Neuromancer fiction verbalized in an odd desire virtualization and real-world exodus international delivery (See Castronova Exodus to the Virtual World (2007)) that gripped the practitioners of the network in the early 80s (and would last until mid 2000) when "1984 would not be like 1984" thanks to the cunning of reason Jobs was the same William international delivery Gibson who in 2007 Spook Country killed his own vision of the desired future.
Gibson thus became a neo-Wittgenstein (this iimpar philosopher who had defended the logicist thesis of a world accommodated logic in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1907 he shattered his own world view in the posthumous Philosophical international delivery Investigations 1955 making way for natural languages and lifestyles)
Spook Country is the third part of the trilogy Ant Azul (Blue Ant) that pert

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